Retail Sales Specialist

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-12

Kohl's is Hirig A Retail Sales Specialist

The hourly or yearly earigs for a Full time regular work are ot metioed

Do't miss out o Full-Time Retail Sales Specialist job opportuity - add to your job cart ow

? Efficietly meetig customers' eeds ad aswerig their cocers i a kid ad courteous maer is essetial as a sales assistat. I make it a priority to greet customers with a smiley face, assist them i ay way possible ad always comply with the Yes We Ca policy
? Iteractig with cliets ca be easy whe usig the GREAT program. The five-step approach ivolves greetig cliets warmly, requestig their credit iformatio, providig cost-savig measures, askig them for feedback, ad coveyig your gratitude for their patroage
? Proficiet i learig ad customizig to the ewest techological developmets to cater to customers' eeds
? Outstadig customer service requires adept problem solvig techiques
? Promotes, activates ad igites Kohls Charge accout erollmets ad loyalty programs
? Guaratees that all regulatios ad policies goverig cash hadlig are strictly adhered to
? Provide efficiet trasactioal services with a focus o egagig customers for accuracy i every trasactio
? Ready to embrace versatility ad be proficiet i may store fuctios


? Skill to carry 50 pouds itermittetly or habitually
? The role ivolves the ability to remai stadig or o the move throughout differet departmets for the etirety of work hours, with frequet physical tasks like liftig, bedig, carryig, climbig, walkig, ad reachig
? Regular traiig ad commuicatio of Kohl's policies ad procedures ehace associates' awareess ad uderstadig, reducig the likelihood of violatios
? Regular attedace
? Effective commuicatio is ot solely about the message itself, but also the way i which it is preseted to the recipiet. It's importat to cosider the audiece ad tailor the message accordigly
? Necessary skills i calculatio ad iterpretatio, easily legible mauscript, ad attetiveess to particulars
? The aptitude to cotribute effectively i a team ad commuicate aptly with colleagues is a ivaluable competecy

? Prior retail experiece
? Adept i usig cuttig-edge techology to esure seamless performace of duties

Our Purpose

Our visio is to ecourage ad empower families to live meaigful lives by providig them with access to the tools they eed. Similarly, we are committed to the growth of our employees, professioally ad persoally, i a eviromet that ecourages them to excel. We possess a humble yet determied attitude ad a warm yet focused demeaor. Although we work hard, we also kow how to have fu. Discover Kohls's way of life.

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We recommed that you cofirm the locatio you wish to apply to prior to submittig your applicatio.

Esurig that the visual display is adjusted frequetly to maitai a fresh ad ew look that meets customer expectatios.

Coordiatig iitiatives ad promotig a collaborative culture amog staff.

Icorporates the latest advacemets i techology to improve customer service ad icrease customer loyalty, makig Kohl's a exceptioal shoppig destiatio.

Fosters customer loyalty ad icreases sales by providig a positive experiece for customers through operatioal efficiecy, empathetic customer relatios, ad expert product kowledge.

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